Since 1966 – International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts – Italian Pugwash Group

Detailed Program

Monday 4 February 1991

Casa della Cultura

9:30 – 12:00   Chair: Giuseppina Orlandini
Opening Remarks
by Carlo Schaerf, Alessandro Pascolini and local authorities
Hilmar Linnenkampf, European Security after Germany’s Unification

Hotel Vittoria (All meetings hereafter held at the Hotel Vittoria)

16:30 – 18:00   Chair: Valery Mazing
Satellites for Civilian and Military Applications
Mirco Elena

18:15 – 19:45   Chair: Kirill K. Babievsky
Collective Security from Wilson to Bush in the Light of the Gulf Crisis
David Carlton

Tuesday 5 February 1991

9:00 – 10:30   Chair: Giuseppe Longo
The Third World Origins of European Insecurity
Mario Zucconi

16:30 – 18:00   Chair: Franco Duprè
Confidence-Building Measures and the New Architecture of the European Security and Stability
Igor N. Chtcherbak

18:15 – 19:45   Chair: Pan Zhengiang
The Role of NATO in a Post-Cold War Europe
Dennis J.D. Sandole

Wednesday 6 February 1991

9:00 – 10:30   Chair: Jack Steinberger
The New European Order: Obstacles and Challenges
Reneo Lukie

16:30 – 18:00   Chair: Zou Yunhua
CFE Verification Technology
Alex De Volpi

18:15 – 19:45   Chair: Mark B.M. Suh
Plutonium Proliferation: A New Threat to “New’ Europe?
Kirill K. Babievsky
New Approach o Retrospective Control of Stored Fissionable Materials
Oleg Olkhov

Thursday 7 February 1991

9:00 – 10:30   Chair: Khairallah Assar
A Concept of Conventional Stability: Europe after CFE I
Hilmar Linnenkampf

16:30 – 18:00   Chair: Stephen P. Koff
New Threats to Europe and Future Security System
Valery Mazing

18:15 – 19:45   Chair: Paolo Farinella
Restructuring Conventional Forces in Europe
Andrew Cottey
The Soviet Defence Organization in the Interwar Period and its Relevance for Security in the “New” Europe
Gerard Snel

Friday 8 February 1991

9:00 – 10:30   Chair: Takashi Takagi
Twenty Years of Terrorism in Italy: Chronology and Statistical Analysis
Carlo Schaerf

16:30 – 17:30   Chair: L. Clarke
European Security Arrangements and their Impact on the Asian-Pacific Area
Pan Zhengiang

17:45 – 19:45   Chair: Giancarlo Tenaglia
Round Table Discussion on the Gulf Crisis
Panelists: Khairallah Assar, Kirill K. Babievsky, Douglas L. Clarke, Carlo Schaerf

Saturday 9 February 1991

9:00 – 10:30   Chair: Henrik A.E. Konarkowski
National Minorities and European Security
Reneo Lukic, Dennis J.D. Sandole, Gyorgy Reti

10:45 – 12:15   Chair: Ezio Ponzo
European Security and Regional Conflicts
Mohamed Abdel-Monehim

12:15 Closing Remarks by Carlo Schaerf