Since 1966 – International School on Disarmament and Research on Conflicts – Italian Pugwash Group

Travel Instruction


The pandemic has introduced special travel restrictions in many countries and Italy and the conditions are different from one country to the other and changing continuously due to the evolution of the pandemic.

Hotel Gruppo Brenta
Via Strigole 1, 38010 Andalo (Trento), Italy
Phone: (+39) 0461-585813; Email:

Andalo is a mountain ski resort about 1100m above sea level and very warm clothes are needed outside the hotel. Casual clothing in the hotel and during meetings. It will be possible to ski or go cross-country. Skiing equipment can be rented in town.
Additional Information:

Andalo is located on the Paganella mountain west of the Adige valley a little north of Trento. The nearest railway station is Mezzocorona on the Munich-Brenner-Verona railway line. Mezzocorona train station is about 15 km north of Trento. 10-15 minutes by train. Fast trains do not stop there. All trains stop in Trento.
There are two railway lines between Trento and Mezzocorona and two railway stations at Mezzocorona. The line FTM (Ferrovia Trento Malè) is NOT the correct one. If you arrive at Trento by train from the North or the South you should board the train to Mezzocorona at the same station where you arrived.
Participants arriving by train at Mezzocorona railway station on Sunday, January 7 can use the Isodarco shuttle service from the station to the hotel. A minibus or a car with an Isodarco sign will be waiting outside the railway station. In case you will not find anyone, call the hotel (Tel. (+39) 0461 585813).
To better coordinate this shuttle transportation please let us know your traveling plans and your arrival time at Mezzocorona as soon as possible.
A similar shuttle service will operate on Sunday the 14th.

The airports closest to Andalo are those of Bolzano, Verona, Bergamo (BGY, Orio al Serio), Milan (Linate and Malpensa), Venice, Bologna, and Rome. From these airports, one must reach Mezzocorona (Trento) by train.
On Sunday, January 7, a complimentary bus for Isodarco participants will leave (Milan) Malpensa airport at 3 p.m. sharp and Linate airport around 4:30 p.m. and arrive at Andalo around 8 p.m. in time for dinner.
Those interested should write to us ASAP to reserve a seat and obtain information on where to meet the bus.

On Sunday, January 14, our complimentary bus will leave Andalo at 6 a.m. and arrive at Malpensa airport around 10 a.m. and at Linate airport around 11 a.m., depending on the traffic conditions. This schedule is NOT compatible with most transatlantic flights leaving in the morning.

Participants unable to use the complimentary bus or shuttle must organize their transportation to and from the Hotel Gruppo Brenta.



FlySki Shuttle provides transportation between Andalo and the most convenient international airports. A new service with which we have little experience. Usually, it operates only on weekends.